Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bessires in the News

A.L. Bessire & Mrs. A.L. Bessire (Hattie)
 Newspaper extracts transcribed & compiled by Stephanie Bessire Mecham
November 2011

Early 20th century newspapers give us an insight of the life of A.L. (Alcide Lucian) Bessire and his second wife, Hattie, first in Iowa, then in Idaho.  It is interesting to note the Hattie is referred to most often as Mrs. A.L. Bessire, most likely a custom of the day.

Through these little snippets of news, we discover what hard working, enterprising, talented, and civic-oriented people they were. My summation is that to call on Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Bessire for service or a particular job, resulted in a job responsibly well done.

Most of the following extracts cover the years 1905-1909.  By no means are these the sum total of instances this couple appears in the Twin Falls newspapers for this range of years.  Other years are yet to be searched and not all newspapers for the area are accessible at this time.  A few extracts are complemented with a photo of the original article. The dates preceding each entry are the date of the newspaper.

 Once again, I give kudos to those saving these historical records by digital means and allowing them to be searchable for hidden treasures such as these, simple yet revealing. (See, a subscription website.)

May 22, 1903--Iowa
“Mr. & Mrs. A.L. Bessire arrived Wednesday from Washington to visit their daughter, Mrs. John Bohning.”
Buffalo Center, Iowa:  Buffalo Center Tribune, Friday May 22, 1903, p. 5.

June 30, 1905—Idaho
“I, Iva Riley, assignee of Alcide Bessire of Twin Falls, Ida., who made entries No. 161 and 577 under the provision of an act of the legislature of the State of Idaho, commonly known as the ‘Carey Act’ approved March 2, 1889, which embraces E [½?] of NW [¼?] of sections 21 to township [10?] S. of range [18?] East B.M. do hereby give notice of my intentions to make final proof to establish my claim to the land above described, and that I expect to prove that I resided on, reclaimed and cultivated said land as required by law, before C.D. Thomas representative of the State land Board at Twin Falls, Idaho on July 15, 1905, by two of the following witnesses:  Alcide Bessire, R.W. [Steele?], Miss Sadie Ryan and Mrs. Hattie Bessire, all of Twin Falls, Ida.  Iva Riley, Entryman."
“Notice for Publication-Final Proof.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, June 30, 1905, p. 7. [This notice was repeated weekly in June and July. The numbers were difficult to interpret. Incidentally, Hattie’s maiden name was Riley. Iva Riley could be a relative.]

July 8, 1905
“A.L. Bessire, who has leased the Hotel Burrington and will manage it in connection with the Twin Falls House, is refitting the hotel neatly within and proposes to make it exceedingly comfortably.  The dining room has been closed while the alterations are being made.  It will be reopened Sunday when the first dinner will be served by the new management.  The office and halls are being papered and the interior of the building has been greatly improved in appearance.”
“Brevities.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, Saturday, July 8, 1905, p. 8.

July 14, 1905
“A.L. Bessire has commenced an ice express service between Twin Falls and Shoshone.  If he succeeds in staving off the threatened famine he should be pensioned.”
“Brevities.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, July 14, 1905, p. 8.

August 11, 1905
Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, August 11, 1905, p. 4. [Ad]

Photo courtesy of Twin Falls Public Library, Twin Falls, Idaho

The Earliest Hotels
"Our town's first hostelry--the Twin Falls Rooming House--was opened in November , 1904 by Scott W. Hazen at what is now 227 Main Avenue East."

James F. Varley.  Tales of the Tract:  The Beginnings of Twin Falls, Idaho and the "Magic" Valley. (Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls Library Foundation & Big Lost River Press), 2004, p. 75

January 11, 1907
“A.L. Bessire, plump and bronzed, led the audience in a popular old song as a starter.  Mr. Bessire is a reformed lumberman and a splendid road overseer.  He is responsible for many road improvements in the vicinity of Kimberly and is deserving of public thanks and encouragement for his good work.  In speaking of the lumber industry, Mr. Bessire expressed the opinion, based upon years of expertise, that the lack of transportation facilities was largely responsible for the scarcity of lumber and the high price which it commanded.”

“Kimberly Commercial Club Plays the Host.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, January 11, 1907, p. 7.

February 15, 1907
“Kimberly, Feb 14. . . . A.L. Bessire Leads the Season by Sowing Spring Wheat. . . . A.L. Bessire is considerably ahead of his neighbor farmers, having already planted eight acres of wheat.  Mr. Bessire will farm on a very extensive scale this year, having rented the MacMaster place adjoining him on the west.  All of this land he had plowed last fall.  He believes in getting the grain in the ground early and intends to do it.”
“Spring Weather Stirs Kimberly.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, February 15, 1907, p. 7.

February 22, 1907
“Kimberly, Feb. 21. . . . A.L. Bessire has rented the farm of George Peterson south of town.  Mr. Peterson has accepted a position as ditch rider for the summer.”
“Minidoka Buys Kimberly Grain.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, February 22, 1922, p. 4

March 1, 1907
“Kimberly, Idaho, Feb. 28. . . . One of the valuable horses of A.L. Bessire suffered a severe accident caused by stepping on the upturned tooth of a harrow.”

“Kimberly Spuds Are In Demand.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, March 1, 1907, p. 1

March 8, 1907
“Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Hazen and Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Ring visited Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Bessire at Kimberly a few days ago.  Mr. Hazen reports a remarkable condition of affairs at Mr. Bessire’s farm.  Mr. Bessire is one of the best farmers in the country and he likes to have everything shipshape.

 “Not long ago, that portion of his fence posts above the upper strand of wire disappeared.  Mr. Bessire thought perhaps the jack rabbits had gnawed off the ends of the posts b__ they proved an alibi.  The tops were missing and Mr. Bessire was wrathy [sic]. Hazen suggested that the posts might grow if they were irrigated or it might be possible to splice the tops on.  He offered to supply Mr. Bessire with a bushel of auger holes for the purpose and the plan is being considered.”
“Brevities.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, March 8, 1907, p. 5.

March 15, 1907
“Kimberly, March 14. . . .The roads about here at the present time are in a frightfully band condition.  A.L. Bessire had to use four of his big horses to haul 2100 pounds of coal from Twin Falls.”

“Kimberly Is To Have Flour Mill.”  Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, March 15, 1907, p. 1

April 5, 1907
“Kimberly, April 4. . . . The Johnson horsepower thresher was again resurrected long enough to thresh 1350 bushels of oats on the R.W. Jones place which were bought in the stack by A.L. Bessire and J.F. Henley.”
“Will Beautify Kimberly Park.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, April 5, 1907, p. 8, paragraph 15.

June 7, 1907
“For Sale—30 acres all seeded.  A.L. Bessire, Kimberly.”
Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, June 7, 1907, p. 4 [Ad]

July 19, 1907
“Kimberly, Idaho, July 17. . . . It is reported that A.L. Bessire has sold the north forty of his farm.”

“Shipping Hay From Kimberly.”  Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, July 19, 1907, p. 1.

September 20, 1907
“Kimberly, Idaho, Sept. 19. . . . George Moore and his partner who have charge of the Peterson thresher, were at work for A. L. Bessire Saturday.  George is carrying his right hand in a sling and his partner has one eye out of business as a result of some stranger trying to run their business for them.  George, in striking the man, broke three bones in his hand and had to go to Twin Falls to have the doctor set them Friday. . . .

“The Ladies Pioneer club met at the home of Mrs. W.H. Turner last Thursday.  This was the regular business meeting and there were about [number?] members present.  The following officers were elected: Mrs. A.L. Bessire, president. . .”
“Four Threshers Are Kept Busy.” Twin Falls Idaho:  Twin Falls News, September 20, 1907, p. 9.

October 18, 1907
“Kimberly, Idaho, Oct [date?]. . . . A.L. Bessire has returned from Washington, where he was suddenly called by the illness of his daughter.”  [Effie Bessire Watkins]
“Shooting Was Rather Costly.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, October 18, 1907, p. 8 [This title does not refer to the cause of Effie’s illness.]

February 5, 1909
“A.L. Bessire, E. Brown and F. Tessier have formed a partnership to be known as the Twin Falls Excavating & Freighting Co.  They will make a specialty of excavating, furnishing rock, sand and gravel, moving houses and transport heavy freight.  They have opened an office at the Iris rooming house.  The three gentlemen are all well known.  They have the stock and the “git up” and are well able to keep things moving.”
“Brevities.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, February 5, 1909, p. 5.

May 7, 1909
“Kimberly, Idaho, May 5. . . . A.L. Bessire has a large force at work excavating the basement for the Townsite company’s building located between the hotel and drug store.  The size will be 50 x 80 and nine feet deep.”
Kimberly Trees Are Destroyed.”  Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, May 7, 1909, p. 1

March 19, 1909
“Old Register from Shoshone Falls Hotel.  Gus Johnson, the Proprietor, Lays Aside the Old Book Which Has Done Service For Nearly Five Years at the Noted Resort. Gus Johnson, proprietor of the Shoshone falls hotel, has purchased a new register.  There would be nothing extra ordinary about this purchase were it not that in abandoning his old register, Mr. Johnson has laid aside a book that contains a great deal of Twin Falls history. 

“The old register is in an excellent state of preservation and its pages bear the names of many men and women who have been prominent in the up-building of the greatest irrigated tract on earth. 

“The register was opened on Wednesday, June [20?], 1904. The first name appearing therein is that of M.B. DeLong of sweet memory, the first secretary and treasurer of the Twin Falls Land and Water Co. . . .

[some of the other registrants include notable names of Idaho: Mark M. Murtaugh, I.B. Perinne, Frank Filer, Peter Kimberly, Frank H. Buhl, Senator and Mrs. Heyburn, etc.]

“During the week following August 15 [1904] many pioneers recorded their names on the old register, among them Charlie Hawk, John M. Hale now of Jerome, A.L. Bessire, E.B. Critchlow and others. . . .”
Contains Many Notable Names.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, March 19, 1909, p. 1

May 21, 1909
Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls News, Friday, May 21, 1909, p. 9. [Ad]

May 21, 1909
“Mrs. A.L. Bessire has disposed of the Iris rooming house to Miss Olive Platt, a recent arrival from Colorado.”
Brevities.” Twin Falls, Idaho, Twin Falls News, Friday, May 21, 1909, p. 5.

July 21, 1931
“Leaves for Vacation—A.L. Bessire left Sunday evening for a ten-day vacation at Lava Hot Springs.” [At age 78, vacation deserved?]
“Brevities.”  Twin Falls, Idaho:  Twin Falls Daily News, Tuesday Morning, July 21, 1931, p. 2.

November 11, 1942
“Funeral services for A.L. Bessire, pioneer resident of Twin Falls and veteran Odd-Fellow, were held Monday afternoon at the Twin Falls mortuary chapel.  Rev. H.G. McCallister, pastor of the Methodist church, and members of the Twin Falls Odd Fellows lodge were in charge of services.  Mrs. W.O. Watts presented musical numbers.  Pallbearers were William Thietten, S. E. Crismor, G.W. Gerrish, C.I. Davis, F.L. Gogswell, and C.W. Clark, all I.O.O.F. members.  Interment was in the Twin Falls Cemetery."
“Bessire Services Pay Last Honors.” Twin Falls, Idaho:  Times-News, Wednesday, November 11, 1942, p. 2.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Septimus Watkins and Effie May Bessire

Septimus Watkins & Effie May Bessire
Possible marriage photo?
Photographer E.J. Bailey & Co., Seattle Wash.
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning (1910-2002)

Septimus Watkins
b. 20 February 1868, Abercanaid, Glamoran, South Wales, Great Britain
md. Effie May Bessire, 29 November 1899, Snohomish, Snohomish, Washington
d. 19 March 1945, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
bur. 23 March 1945 Sunset Memorial Park, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
parents:  Evan Watkins & Gwendolyn Lewis (names appear on Septimus’s death certificate)

Septimus Watkins--date unknown--single?
Photo courtesty of Fred Bohning (1910-2002)

Census appearances for Septimus before marriage.
 Note that Ann Watkins is Septimus’s grandmother, not mother.
1870 U.S. Federal Census: Foster Township, Luzerne, Pennsylvania
Dwelling 121:  Evan Watkins age 31, male, white, mines coal, born Wales, father foreign born, mother foreign born.  Ann Watkins, age 57, female, white, keeping house, born Wales, father and mother foreign born.  William Watkins, age 21, male, white, mines coal, born Wales, father and mother foreign born. Mary J. Watkins, age 16, female, white, born Wales, father and mother foreign born. Abraham A. Watkins, age 37, male, white, mines coal, born Wales, father and mother foreign born. William Watkins, age 15, male, white, mines coal, born Wales, father and mother foreign born. William Welsch, age 45, male, white, mines coal, born Canada, mother and father foreign born. Septimus Watkins, age 2, male, white, born Wales, father and mother foreign born.
1880 U.S. Federal Census:  Foster Township, Luzern, Pennsylvania
Dwelling 284, family 286:  Evan Watkins, white, male, age 41, married, coal miner, born Wales, father born Wales, mother born Wales.  Anne Watkins, white, female, age 68, mother [head], widowed, housekeeper, born Wales, father born Wales, mother born Wales.  Ceptimus [sic] Watkins, white, male, age 11, son, single, school, born Wales, father born Wales, mother born Wales.

Effie May Bessire
b. 3 July 1875, Liberty, Hardin, Ohio
d. 20 December 1960
bur. 23 Dec 1960, Sunset Memorial Park, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
parents:  Alcide Lucian Bessire & America Ann Murray

Probably Effie (or her sister Emma?)
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning (1910-2002)
Single? Date unknown

Census appearances of Effie before marriage:

1880 U.S. Federal Census:  Bath Township, Allen, Ohio
Dwelling 18, family 18:  Alcid [sic] L. Bessire, white, male, age 26, married, farming, born Ohio, father born Switzerland, mother born France.  America A. Bessire, white, female, age 25, married, keeping house, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio.  Effa [sic] M. Bessire, white, female, age 5, daughter, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio.  Emma T. Bessire, white, female, age 2, daughter, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio.  Elmer Barret, white, male age 15, servant, single, works on farm, born Ohio, father born U.S., mother born Ohio.

It doesn’t appear that Septimus and Effie had any biological children. The 1910 census indicates that no children were born and no children were living. However, in Septimuss obituary (1945) it states that he is survived by two foster children, Vera Noble and Fred Noble, both of Seattle. Interestingly enough, Vera and Fred appear on the 1900 U.S. Federal Census in Granite Falls, Snohomish, Washington with their assumed parents, Charles and Susanna Noble, on the very same page as Septimus and Effie.  So these two families were neighbors.  How it comes to be that Vera and Fred Noble end up as foster children, if in fact so, needs further research. Effies obituary (1960) does not indicate any children as survivors.

Effie & Septimus Watkins
Date unknown--married per photo?
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning (1910-2002)

Census appearances of Septimus and Effie after marriage:

1900 U.S. Federal Census Granite Falls, Snohomish, Washington
Dwelling 175, family 177:  Scptiemus [sic] Watkins, head, white, male, born Feb 1868, age 32, married, married 1 years, born Wales, father born Wales, mother born Wales, naturalized?, day laborer, 2 months not employed, can read and write and speak English, house rented.  Effie Watkins, wife, white, female, born Nov 1874, age 25, married, married 1 year, zero children born, zero children living, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, can read and write and speak English. Evan Watkins, father [head], white, male, born Oct 1840, age 59, widowed, born Wales, father born Wales, mother born Wales, immigrated 1869, 31 years in U.S., carpenter, can read and write and speak English.

1910 U.S. Federal Census:  Glenwood, Kitsap, Washington Dwelling 292, family 292:  Septimas Watkins, head, male, white, age 42, 1st marriage, married 10 years, born Wales, father born England, mother born England, immigrated 1870, naturalized, can read and write and speak English, bookkeeper, logging company, working own account, working on April 15, 1910, zero weeks out of work during 1909, house rented. Effie Watkins, wife, female, white, age 35, 1st marriage, married 10 years, zero children living of zero children born, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, can read and write and speak English, no occupation.
1920 U.S. Federal Census:  Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho Farm, dwelling 229, family 234:  Septimus Watkins, head, house owned mortgage, male, white, age 52, married, immigration 1868, naturalized 1875, can read and write and speak English, born Wales (Welsh), father born Wales (Welsh), mother born Wales (Welsh), engineer county works, wage worker, farm schedule 189.  Effie M. Watkins, wife, female, white, age 44, married, can read and write and speak English, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, no occupation.
1930 U.S. Federal Census:  Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho128 Fourth Ave. East, dwelling 206, family 231:  Septimus Watkins, head, renter, $22/month, not living on farm, male, white, age 62, married, age 31 at first marriage, can read and write and speak English, born Wales, father born Wales, mother born Wales, speaks Welsh, immigration 1870, naturalized, civil engineer for state, class of worker=W, actually at work, not a veteran.  Effie Watkins, wife, female, white, age 54, married, age 24 at 1st marriage, can read and write and speak English, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, no occupation.
Effie holding ?
Date unknown
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning (1910-2002)

Effie & Septimus Watkins in later years--date unknown
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning (1910-2002)
Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho
Tuesday, 20 Mar 1945, p. 2

Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho
Wednesday-21 Dec 1960-p. 2

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Alcide Lucian Bessire & Hattie A. Riley

Alcide L. & Hattie A. Riley Bessire
Photography by Reed in Missouri Valley, Iowa

Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning - date unknown

Alcide Lucian Bessire            
b. 8 Nov 1852, Wayne County, Ohio
md.26 Feb 1874, Allen County, Ohio, America Ann Murray (1st)
md. 2 Apr 1883, Hardin County, Ohio, Hattie A. Riley (2nd)
d. 6 Nov 1942, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
bur. 9 Nov 1942, Twin Falls Cemetery, Twin Falls, Idaho
Parents:  Eugene Bessire and Marianne Emily Grimm
Hattie A. Riley (2nd wife)
b. 1 Sep 1857* Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
d. 21 April 1941, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
bur. 23 Apr 1941, Twin Falls Cemetery, Twin Falls, Idaho
Parents:  Joseph Riley?

*Death record gives birth date as 5 September 1857 in Centerburg, Ohio.

Marriage Record:
State of Ohio, Hardin County, ss.
Personally came Alcide L. Bessire applying for License for himself to be married to Miss Hattie Riley who, being sworn, says that the said Alcide L. Bessire is over the age of twenty-one years, and unmarried; that the said Hattie Riley is over the age of eighteen years, and unmarried, resides in Hardin County, and that he knows of no legal impediment to said marriage.
Signed Alcide L. Bessire.  Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of April A.D. 1883. Jas O. L____?, Probate Judge.
State of Ohio Hardin County, ss.
I certify that on the 2nd day of April A.D. 1883, Alcide L. Bessire and Hattie Riley were legally join in Marriage by me, a minister [name unclear].
(Source: Ohio.  Probate Court (Hardin County), Ohio:  Marriage Records, 1833-1918; index, 1833-1960. Salt Lake City, UT, USA:  Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1972, 1980. Family History Library Film 914844. Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah  84150, USA, )

Christie May Bessire
b. 21 August 1886, Missouri Valley Harrison, Iowa
d. 18 Dec 1893, Missouri Valley, Harrison, Iowa
bur. 20 Dec 1893, Rose Hill Cemetery, Missouri Valley, Harrison, Iowa

Christie May Bessire
Photography by Reed, Missouri Valley
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning, date unknown

On the back of the above original photo is written the scripture reference 2 Kings 4:20: "And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died."

 Extract from the Iowa Register of Deaths: 
"Christie Bessire, male [sic], white, age 7, died Dec 18, 1893 at 4 p.m. in Modale of pneumonia, single, American, born Modale. Burial: Rose Hill, December 20, 1893."

Rose Hill Cemetery, Missouri Valley, Iowa
Photography by Kris J. Mecham, August 1989

Alcide L. Bessire
Odd Fellows uniform
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning - no date

Alcide L. Bessire
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning - date unknown

Emma Bessire Bohning, Alcide & Hattie Riley Bessire
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning - date unknown

Hattie Riley Bessire
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning - date unknown

Alcide L. Bessire
Photo courtesy of Fred Bohning - date unknown

Twin Falls, Idaho Times News, April 1941

Idaho Evening Times, Nov 8, 1942 [Sunday]

Twin Falls Cemetery, Twin Falls, Idaho

Alcide Bessire in Harrison County, Iowa

Alcide L. Bessire, one of the representative citizens of Cincinnati Township, came to Harrison County in the spring of 1884 and took charge of F.H. Ludwig’s ranch, in Clay Township, consisting of seventeen hundred acres.  He continued to operate that until the fall of 1885, and then took charge of the Boner and Sims ranch in Taylor Township, which consists of twelve hundred acres.  In the spring of 1887 Boner, Sims and Haas formed a partnership and threw their lands together and had their stock in company.  Then our subject took charge of the combined ranches comprising twenty-nine hundred acres of land situated in Clay and Taylor Townships.  They kept about five hundred head of cattle and raised about thirty thousand bushels of corn per year.  In the winter of 1887-88 they put on the market at Modale, thirteen hundred cords of wood and the following winter about nine hundred cords. 
In the spring of 1889, besides running the extensive business for Boner, Sims & Haas, he rented the Brandriff land of six hundred acres, which he farmed on his own account, thus having under his charge thirty-five hundred acres of land.  He raised that year thirteen thousand bushels of corn for himself and thirty-two thousand bushels for the company.  The company was known as Boner, Haas & Co., Boner & Co. owning one-half.
In the spring of 1880 [sic, 1890?] Boner, Haas & Co. dissolved and Boner, Sims & Bessire formed a partnership under the firm name of Boner & Co.  Mr. Bessire having bought the stock interests of Mr. Haas, they now control sixteen hundred acres and keep three hundred head of steers, which they feed summers as well as winters. 
They also pay special attention to horses, usually keeping fifty head, and are now breeding trotting stock.  They are the owners of “Accident,” which is a standard-bred three-year-old horse, with a record of 2:40.  They also have “Archibald” and “Golden Wing.”
At the time Boner, Sims & Bessire formed a partnership, they went into the grain business at Modale and handled large quantities of goods as well.
In August, 1891, Boner, Sims, Bessire & Sharpnack, formed a company to carry on the agricultural implement business combined with the grain and lumber business at Modale.
Our subject was born November 8, 1852, in Wayne County, Ohio, and when three years of age his parents removed to Allen County and he remained at home until he was twenty-one years old, after which he rented a farm and bought and sold timber during the winter.  He followed this two or three years before coming to Iowa. He was also a heavy contractor on the Pike roads in Ohio at which he lost all of his property.  When he came to Harrison County in 1884 he only had twenty-five cents.
In 1887 he bought ninety acres of improved land which he sold two years later.  In August, 1891, Mr. Bessire bought the Hook residence on Fourth Street, Missouri Valley, paying $2,150 for the same.
Our subject was united in marriage in Allen County, Ohio, February 26, 1874, to Miss America Murray, and they are the parents of two children—Effie M., born July 3, 1875, and Emma T., born October 21, 1877.  Our subject’s wife passed from the scenes of this life in Allen County, Ohio, August 21, 1881.  She was born in the same county in which she died, the date of her birth being October 13, 1853.  Our subject was again married in Hardin County, Ohio, April 2, 1883, to Miss Hattie A. Riley, by whom one child has been born—Christie, born August 21,1886.
Politically our subject affiliates with the Democratic party and is a member of the Odd Fellows order, belonging to Mondamin Lodge, No. 392.
(Source:  History of Harrison County, Iowa. Chicago, Illinois:  National Pub. Co., 1891. Family History Library US/CAN Book 977.747 H2n, pg 773-774; also available on microfilm 934943 item 4.)

Help Identify These Photographs

The following photographs were given to Carole Ann Bessire from Fred Bohning in the 1980s. Fred is the son of John and Emma Bessire Bohning and lived in Twin Falls, Idaho at the time.  Not all were identified in this process.  Since the photos were in possession of the Bohning family, they are likely connected to Alcide Bessire and either of his wives, America Ann Murray and Hattie Riley.  They could also be relatives of  John Bohning (son-in-law, md to Emma Bessire), or Septimus Watkins (son-in-law, md. to Effie Bessire).

Any help you might offer in identifying them would be most apprecited!

Photo #1

Photo #2

Photo #3
Is this Alcide Bessire's home?

Photo #4
Effie Bessire Watkins and ?

Photo #5

Photo #6
Alcide & Hattie Riley Bessire?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Alcide Lucian Bessire & America Ann Murray

Alcide is the second child of Eugene and Marianne Bessire.
Alcide Bessire-no date available
Photo from Fred Bohning (1910-2002)

Alcide Lucian Bessire            
b. 8 Nov 1852, Wayne County, Ohio
md.26 Feb 1874, Allen County, Ohio, America Ann Murray
md. 2 Apr 1883, Hardin County, Ohio, Hattie A. Riley
d. 6 Nov 1942, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
bur. 9 Nov 1942, Twin Falls Cemetery, Twin Falls, Idaho
Parents:  Eugene Bessire and Marianne Emily Grimm

America Ann Murray
b. 13 Oct 1853*, Jackson Twp, Allen, Ohio
d. 21 Aug 1881, Jackson Twp, Allen, Ohio (cause: labor)
bur. August 1881, Ward Cemetery, Bath Twp, Allen, Ohio
Parents:  Michael M. Murray and Elisabeth Guthrie
*Harrison County, Iowa History for Alcide L. Bessire states America's birthdate as 13 Oct 1853.  Using her death date and age to calculate her birthdate provides 28 June 1854 as the birth date.

America A., wife of A.L. Bessire, died  Aug 21, 1881, aged 27y 1m 23d.
Photo by Mark Gierhart - 8 Oct 2004
Ward Cemetery, Bath Twp, Allen County, Ohio

Marriage Record of Alcide and America
Marriage License dated 20 Feb 1874.  Mr. Alcide L. Bassier (sic) and Miss America Ann Murry [sic].
Marriage Record: The State of Ohio, Allen I do hereby certify that on the 26 day of February 1874, I joined in matrimony Mr. Alcide Bassier (sic) and Miss America Ann Murry (sic).Signed:  J.C. Miller, M.G.Date:  Mar 21, 1874.
(Source: Ohio. Probate Court (Allen Co.). Allen County, Ohio Marriage Records, 1871-1882. Salt Lake City:  Filmed by Genealogical Society of Utah.  Family History Library Film 901414, Vol C1-C2.  Repository:  Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150, USA.)

(Photographs courtesy of Fred Bohning (1910-2002)
Emma Bessire & Effie Bessire
No date available
Emma Bessire Bohning and Effie Bessire Watkins
No date available

Effie May Bessire
b. 3 Jul 1875, Liberty Hardin County, Ohio
md. Septimus Watkins, 29 Nov 1899, Snohomish, Snohomish, Washington
d. 20 Dec Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
bur. 23 Dec 1960 Sunset Memorial Park, Twin Falls, Idaho

Emma Thressie Bessire
b. 21 Oct 1877, Beaver Dam, Allen, Ohio
md. John Bohning, 1 May 1902, Stanhope,,Iowa
d. 21 Apr 1939, Harrold, Hughes, South Dakota
bur. Apr 1939, Harrold, Hughes, South Dakota

Female Bessire (Twin)
b. 10 Aug 1880, Bath Twp, Allen, Ohio (assumed birth date)
d. 10 Aug 1880, Bath Twp, Allen, Ohio (cause: strangulation)

Female Bessire
b. 10 August 1880, Bath Twp, Allen, Ohio (assumed birth date)
d. 10 August 1880, Bath Twp, Allen, Ohio (cause: strangulation)

Death Record for twin girls and America Ann Bessire

(Source:  Allen County (Ohio) Probate Judge, Ohio, Allen: Birth and death records, 1867-1940, Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1972. Family History Library Film 901425, Vol 1-2. Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA. Columns L-R: entry no., date of entry, surname, given name, year-month-day of death, place of death, condition, age, place of birth.)